Masihkah ingat peristiwa penting 1993 di mana, Parlimen Malaysia di bawah kekuasaan BN telah melupuskan kekebalan sultan dan raja Fasal 38 (4) Perlembagaan Persekutuan:
In a debate 10 December 1993, the 96 members who were present in Parliament, including opposition members, unanimously approved a motion censuring Sultan Mahmood of Johor for assaulting Mr. Douglas Gomez on 30 N0vember 1992.
Shahidan Kassim, a Malay legislator of the National Front, said the sultan and his elder son had been implicated in 23 criminal acts in the last two decades, including rape, assault and manslaughter.
Affifuddin Omar, another Malay legislatorin the Front, said it was time to end the "false sense of political power" associated with the sultans.Hereditary rulers must realize that they did not own the country but were "placed on their thrones by the people," he added.
Mr. Mahathir said Malaysians were "fully united" in their stand that the sultans should not interfere in the country's administration. read more......